Thursday, September 3, 2009

At Rest In Glendale

I heard earlier this morning that the much refrigerated, overly gawked at remains of Michael Jackson will finally have a home in Forest Lawn this sundown.

forest lawn hollywood hills, forest lawn, forest lawn cemetery los angeles, forest lawn cemetery hollywood, forest lawn cemetery ca
It dawned on me that I had visited Forest Lawn Cemetery back in the 1980's. We went just to see the Pickfords and Flynns and remains of other famous's a serene and beautiful place , filled with my second favourite tree [poplar], gentle knolls and always a little breeze blowing in the open spaces. It also helps that the phenomenal Walt Disney is buried there, too.

I didn't know back then that the man who would someday be my closest confidant and political sparring partner has an older brother buried there - way back in 1955. James was 15 years old and the light of his parents' life. They went on to have other children, but on this little rise in the real estate in the middle of two busy freeways- yet silent and far way from them - James would always be brown eyed, good natured and a mystery to the brothers and sisters who came later. A family enigma, the absent tie breaker in every squabble, whom they still wonder about.
My significant other is pleased his unknown brother is buried near the endearing Jimmy Stewart. It seems right somehow. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington is not only one of Mic's favourite movies, but his bashful, wonderfully accurate James Stewart impression is possibly why I hooked up in the first place.
I never get tired of being called 'Virginia'.

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