Saturday, July 4, 2009

This had better be good...

Naturally there's been a lot of speculation over Sarah Palin's announcement... not all of it good spirited. My own take -for what it's worth -runs something like this.
should only be two reasons why Palin would step down. The first one is a grave health concern, either involving herself or the immediate family. The second might involve all the ruthless, below the belt comedy created at the expense of Palin and her family. Even months after the election, she's still a major target for stand up hacks long after McCain and Biden have been shuffled to the bottom of the deck, comedy-wise-though I think Biden is deliciously funny.
And of course, nobody except the annoying, amazing Helen Thomas would take on the Anointed One in public, without fear of maybe being audited, or something.
It could be that Todd Palin has finally had enough of media and the vicious left wing fringes and actually gave her an ultimatum- me or the Governor's mansion.
The only thing I DO know is this: if said resignation turned out to be a time to 'cram' for 2012 - a three year hiatus in order to gain the White House -she would have to do it without my vote. Even if she polishes her verbal delivery, can list and discuss every dictator, every state deficit from here to sunrise -it won't be enough. You don't toss people of Alaska's trust as though it were a discarded melon rind. She should stay the course and look her detractors in the eye -if indeed that should be the reason.

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