Friday, February 26, 2010

Cousins, we now do big dance of Joy

...or at least break out an extra bag of Fritos, and for an occasion like this only the really curvy kind will do, the ones that each hold half a pound of guacamole.

***** A truly daunting problem has been removed from my work day, one that made me shudder every Monday morning and consider calling in dead. I finally had the guts to sit back and say "Noooo...I'll just pass on any more disrespect and thinly veiled contempt. Thanks for thinking of me, anyway."

My bosses, in their traditional custom backed me all the way and now I'm free to just do my job.

*****An unexpected birthday surprise was just lobbed our way for my younger daughter and I'm almost faint with happiness... so will she be when she opens the package. Thank you, John. You're a darling for letting us work this out with you.

***** That same daughter was just chosen for Citywide Honor Choir. It's awesome.
***** The older daughter likes me again, at least for this week. I may lose consciousness, here in a minute.

*It didn't snow this week.

**** I found the Jonathan Edwards album [ long out of print] that I've wanted for years, since the vinyl version wore out and is now emitting gases in some Carroll County landfill.

*****Patrick thinks I look Tom Hanks' wife Rita, or maybe some woman named Kim Katrall, whom I've never heard of.

***** Mmmm. Friday, February 26th...good to the last drop.

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